Phoebe Ryder

Your Fan


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Company Store | 309 George Street | Dunedin, 9016 | New Zealand | +64 3 471 8969

Product Details

Inspired by ancient perfume bottles, a vessel to carry secrets. Handbuilt bottle with removable stopper, decorated in flashing slip and cobalt glazes. Wood-fired for 12 hours in the Phoenix kiln at Driving Creek Pottery.

Phoebe Ryder is an artist maker based in Ōtepoti Dunedin. Working intuitively, Phoebe embraces the unpredictability of clay, drawing from memories of landscapes and ancient forms to create individual pieces. 

Each piece is handmade and therefore preciously unique as it will never be created the same again. 


Dimensions | 10 x 10 x 28cm


Handmade in Aotearoa, New Zealand

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